QuickBooks Desktop Error C=47

What is a C=47 Error in QuickBooks?

QuickBooks may display the error number C-47 if there’s a problem with your browser’s settings, especially if you’re trying to access a secured website. This error code might mean that a certain transaction is unidentified. When you attempt to remove that transaction from a certain report, it can still be there.

Causes of the C=47 Error Code in QuickBooks

The causes of the C=47 error code in QB are as follows:

1. Internet Explorer’s settings might not be correct.

2. This error number might appear if an old backup of your QuickBooks data file is still available.

3. If the transaction log file is located in a corrupted file folder on your machine, this error can be shown.

4. Issues could have arisen when setting up Internet Explorer for a reliable website.

5. You might be attempting to delete some QuickBooks entries. The work may not have been completed correctly.

6. You might have made changes to the entries. This error could be caused by any problems with the same.

7. It’s possible that Internet Explorer’s SSL settings are off.

8. The error code could be produced by malware that is impacting your machine.

Solution to Fix the QuickBooks Error Code C-47 

The following solutions can be used to resolve the error code C-47 in QuickBooks. These solutions have been compiled in accordance with the various reasons for this  QB error code. You can read each of these corrections. The best remedy can then be applied based on the precise root cause of this error code on your machine. 

Solution1: Identify your computer’s malware

One of the causes of the QB C-47 error code could be malware. Additionally, if the error message “Error When Loading 3LXCRtime.dll” also appears, you should scan your system for malware. The mistake should be fixed as you scan your system.

Solution 2: Set Internet Explorer preferences in the QB Software

As you are aware, incorrect browser settings might cause the QB C-47 error to appear. The QuickBooks software’s Internet Explorer settings are easily customizable. It needs to be highly effective at identifying the error code.

Solution 3: Check to see if the system drivers have been updated.

You can update the system driver to get yourself the QuickBooks C-47 problem message on your computer. You must start your computer and configure the drive in order to receive these updates. Later, you can select the Device Manager’s sorting choice and then continue to download the updates.

Here, you may look at the 10 steps of this solution to get rid of the problem notice.

1. Start your PC.

2. Set up your drive.

3. After configuration is complete, select “Start.”

4. The option “Sort Device Manager” must be chosen.

5. Decide which device the driver has been used on.

6. A software upgrade is now required.

7. A fresh window will open. Browse the driver software using it.

8. Choose the device driver from the list.

9. Continue to verify the driver. then let it go.

10. To complete this adjustment, click “Next.”


1. What is the QuickBooks AC 47 error?

When running a report or opening a QuickBooks company (.qbw) file, the QuickBooks Desktop software cannot locate a transaction, which results in Error Code C=47. Other situations that could produce error code C=47 include: attempting to update the transaction’s entry in the corporate file.

2. What is QuickBooks error 80029c4a?

QuickBooks Error 80029c4a: Possible Causes:

Consumers typically see this error number when trying to open their software but are unable to locate corporate files because they have been damaged. Your antivirus program incorrectly identified a QB Desktop file as malicious or infected with Trojans.

3. Why does QuickBooks stop working?

The QBWUSER. INI file may be corrupted or missing. On your hard drive, there could be corruption. The installation of the QuickBooks Desktop or your software data may be compromised.

4. What is a corrupted file, and how do I fix one?

Computer files that are suddenly useless or inoperable are known as corrupted files. A file could become corrupt for a number of reasons. Sometimes a corrupted file can be recovered and fixed, but other times it might be essential to delete the corrupted file and replace it with an earlier saved version.

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