Quickbooks Desktop error 80029c4a

What is the 80029c4a error code in Quickbooks?
“Problem: An unexpected issue was detected when trying to execute QuickBooks with a company file,” reads the error message for QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a. 80029c4a is the error code.
“Error loading type library / DLL” is the description. There is an “OK” button next to this error notice. “QuickBooks couldn’t load a system component,” says another problem notice when you click it. It’s possible that restarting your computer will fix the issue. The problem code is “80029c4a – Didn’t load dynamic link library (DLL)”.
Error code 80029c4a is caused by problems with a QuickBooks DLL, as stated in the error message.
The following are some of the possible causes of error code 80029c4a:
- Some QuickBooks desktop system files are missing or corrupted.
- It’s possible that the QuickBooks programme download is corrupted or not installed properly.
- As a result of a recent QuickBooks software update, there might be a corrupt Windows registry entry (install or uninstall)
- Windows system data or QuickBooks-related programme files may have been corrupted as a result of a virus or malware infection.
- QuickBooks-related files could have been damaged by another programme.
What could be the reasons behind QuickBooks Error 80029c4a?
The list of reasons is provided so that you can determine why you were affected by the error.
The following are the various reasons:-
- The QuickBooks software installation is unfinished, resulting in an issue when you try to install it on your computer.
- The Windows Registry is messed up.
- The software is being blocked by the antivirus since it has been flagged as contaminated.
- The company file is either missing or corrupted.
- QuickBooks’ components aren’t working properly.
- Infection with a virus or malicious software
- Files that are required for QuickBooks desktop to function and run are deleted.
How to fix QuickBooks error code 80029c4a?
https://its.uiowa.edu/support/article/109196To troubleshoot QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a, try each of the following techniques one at a time.
Note: Only move on to the next solution if the prior one fails to fix the problem.
1- Turn off and on your computer.
This is especially handy if you don’t properly shut down your computer on a regular basis. A restart can fix memory problems as well as refresh and update installed programmes.
Like any software, QuickBooks will provide updates on a regular basis. These can be set up automatically or at a time that the user specifies. These updates typically resolve application issues by correcting bugs and internal issues that you may be unaware of. Be cautious when updating software on a network system. When you start an update, it has the potential to affect everyone on the same network. The workflow may be disrupted as a result.
3- Run the “reboot.bat” script.
A short batch file named’reboot.bat’ is saved in the installation location when QuickBooks is installed. Its objective is to clear all of QuickBooks’ system settings that have accumulated over time. ‘Reboot.bat’ is a batch file that comprises a number of command-line applications that set the Registry entries settings for all of QuickBooks’ components. As a result, it functions as a sort of cleanup tool that returns items to their proper locations whenever they become confused.
Make absolutely sure no copies of the QuickBooks program are running before running this file. That was also true of networked systems. When you run’reboot.bat,’ there should be no active instances of QuickBooks running. To launch it, you’ll also need to be logged in as an administrator on Windows. Normally, when this file is executed, the computer will restart; however, if it does not, you should not push it to restart.
4- Reinstall QuickBooks.
Usually, all that is required is a simple app restart. After you’ve tried all of the other methods to fix problem code 8000029c4a, this should be very straightforward.
5- Reinstall the QuickBooks software.
If all else fails, uninstalling and reinstalling QuickBooks is the best approach to refresh the application and give it a fresh start. Things should run more smoothly if you use the software on a solo machine. When upgrading QuickBooks on a networked machine, use the same caution you used when updating QuickBooks. Follow the steps outlined below to restore QuickBooks installation:
Find a machine that isn’t connected to the internet. Once you’ve got it, open QuickBooks and look for the license and product number under the ‘About’ menu. Keep this information in mind. After that, enter the Control Panel and look through the installed programmes list. Then, in this list, look for QuickBooks, pick it, and hit uninstall. Choose the Repair option in the uninstall dialogue box that appears and click ‘Next.’ It’s great if you can restore QuickBooks installation. If you run into any problems, go to the QuickBooks product update page and look for the current release for the software you possess, then compare it to the information you wrote down earlier. Check that this information matches that of all other systems on the network. Then go to the QuickBooks Support Download Site, find your QuickBooks version, download it, and install it.
6- Use the QuickBooks Repair software to fix the problem.
If none of the following solutions for QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a works for you, your QuickBooks company file has been severely corrupted. In this instance, employing reputable third-party software to repair it is the best option. For this, Stellar Repair for QuickBooks Software is recommended. The QuickBooks repair programme has strong scanning and repair algorithms that detect and repair any level of damage or corruption inside QuickBooks Company files, allowing for the recovery of important data. It has a completely interactive user interface that makes it very easy to use.